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부스터 백신주사가 오미크론으로부터 당신을 보호할 수 있는 방법이다

분모남 2021. 12. 22. 21:33




This is how booster jabs can protect you from Omicron




이것이 부스터 백신주사가 오미크론으로부터 당신을 보호할 수 있는 방법이다


Research has shown that the omicron COVID-19 variant has an ability to evade existing immunity from either vaccination or infection.

However, evidence has show that this ability is depleted when people are boosted with a third vaccine dose.

As a result, booster programmes are being accelerated.

A scientist explains which vaccines are being used and what effect boosters are likely to have.

The omicron variant of COVID is now spreading rapidly. Early reports suggest omicron causes less severe disease than other variants but it still poses a risk to the most vulnerable, with patients starting to arrive in hospitals.


Omicron also appears to have some ability to get around existing immunity, whether from vaccination or infection. However, it seems less able to do this when people are boosted with a third vaccine dose.


Because of this, booster programmes are being accelerated. Here’s which vaccines are being used and what effect boosters are likely to have.


Which COVID-19 vaccines are used as boosters?

Unless there are strong reasons not to use them (such as having had a severe allergic reaction or other side-effect previously), Pfizer or Moderna are the preferred options.

Pfizer or Moderna
mRNA 백신으로 아스트라제네카 등 다른 코로나 백신에 비해 부스터 용량으로 더 효과가 있는 것으로 보인다.
세 번째 용량으로 투여했을 때 어떤 백신 유형이 가장 잘 수행되었는지 조사한
최근의 Cov-Boost 연구는
mRNA 백신이 항체에서 가장 높은 향상을 보였다는 것을 발견했습니다.

그리고 처음 두 접종백신이 부스터백신와 동일하게 접종하지 않아도, 이것은 괜찮습니다.
다양한 연구 (일부 검토 대기 중)는 혼합 복용량이 안전하고
처음에는 AstraZeneca 백신을 가지고 있더라도 강력한 면역 반응으로 이어진다는 것을 발견했습니다.

These are the mRNA vaccines, which appear to be more effective as a booster dose compared to other COVID vaccines, such as AstraZeneca. The recent Cov-Boost study, which investigated which vaccine type performed best when given as a third dose, found the mRNA vaccines gave the highest uplift in antibodies.


And if your first two vaccines don’t end up being the same as your booster, this is OK. Various studies (some awaiting review) have found that mixing doses is safe and leads to a strong immune response even if you initially had the AstraZeneca vaccine.


Have you read?

What do - and don't - we know about Omicron and vaccines?

How long do COVID-19 vaccines protect you and do we need booster shots? Experts explain

How COVID-19 and Omicron are affecting travel this holiday season



How much protection will I get?

Even before the arrival of omicron, it was becoming clear that boosters were needed data was showing vaccine protection declining after 90 days.


실제로 사전 인쇄 (아직 검토해야 할 연구 결과)에 따르면
두 번째 백신주사 후 20(5개월)후에
65 세 이상의 사람들은 AstraZeneca 백신을 투여 받았다면
증상이 있는 코로나로부터 37 % 만 보호 받았다.
그들이 화이자 (Pfizer)를 받았다면 이 수치는 55 %였습니다
(입원에 대한 보호에 대한 해당 추정치는 각각 76 %91 % ).

Indeed, a preprint (a piece of research still to be reviewed) suggests that 20 weeks after their second jab, people over 65 were only 37% protected against symptomatic COVID if they had been given the AstraZeneca vaccine. If they had been given Pfizer, this figure was 55% (though the corresponding estimates for protection against hospitalisation were 76% and 91% respectively).




오미크론에 대한 확실한 데이터는 아직 없지만,
돌연변이 때문에 보호가 더 낮아질 가능성이 높다.
또 다른 사전 인쇄본은 백신을 맞은 사람들의 혈액에서 이 변종에 대한 항체를 검사했고, 바이러스를 중화(소멸)시킬 수 있는 능력이 훨씬 떨어진다는 것을 발견했다.

There’s little hard data yet on omicron, but protection is likely to be lower still because of its mutations. Another preprint has tested antibodies in the blood of vaccinated people against the variant and found that they’re much less able to neutralise the virus.




영국의 보건 안보국 (Health Security Agency)이 제작한
초기 실제 데이터는 보호가 낮다는 것을 확인하는 것으로 보인다.
이는 두 번째 백신 접종 후 25주 이상 오미 크론에 대한 백신 효과가
아스트라제네카에서는 무시할 만 하며

화이자에서는 35 %에 불과하다는 것을 의미합니다.
그러나 부스터 후 효과는 약 75 %였습니다.

Early real-world data produced by the UK’s Health Security Agency seems to confirm that protection is lower. It suggests that vaccine effectiveness against omicron more than 25 weeks after a second vaccine dose was negligible for AstraZeneca and only about 35% with Pfizer. But after a booster, effectiveness was around 75%.


This is against symptomatic disease. The risk of severe disease after an omicron infection is still not known, and neither is the effectiveness of a booster dose against severe disease.


However, given that vaccines and boosters have shown greater effectiveness against severe disease than against infection with other variants, we should expect protection against severe illness to be much greater than 75%.


또한, 오미크론은 심하게 돌연변이가 있지만,
질병의 심각성을 줄이는 데 중요하다고 생각되는 세포 독성 T 세포라고 불리는 특정 면역 세포가 표적으로하는 영역에는 그렇게 많은 돌연변이가 없습니다.
이것이 심각한 질병에 대한 훨씬 더 큰 보호를 기대하는 것이 비현실적이지 않은 또 다른 이유입니다.
그러나 이것이 확인되려면 시간이 좀 걸릴 것이다.

Also, while omicron is heavily mutated, it doesn’t have so many mutations in areas targeted by specific immune cells called cytotoxic T cells, which are thought to be important in reducing disease severity. This is another reason why it’s not unrealistic to expect much greater protection against severe disease. But it will be a while before this is confirmed.


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